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Part 1

Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问

题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)

7. A) By car. 8. A) 6:50p.m.

B) By bus. B) 5:20p.m.

C) By train. C) 7:00p.m.

D) By air. D) 7:10p.m.

9. A) On the seventh floor. C) On the tenth floor. 10. A) She is happy.

C) She has a stomach ache.

B) On the eighth floor. D) On the ninth floor. B) She looks well. D) She is ill.

11. A) She will make some chocolate. C) She will invite her mother to a restaurant. 12. A) It’s warm.

B) It’s cool.

B) She will make a big chocolate cake. D) She will buy some flowers. C) It’s cold.

D) It’s hot.

13. A) To do something for others. C) To see a film. 14. A) Twice a year. 15. A) To study there. 16. A) Two hours.

B) Once a month. B) To visit London. B) 25 minutes.

B) To work at a cinema. D) To go around the city. C) Once a year.

D) Twice a month.

C) To work there. D) To take care of her aunt. C) over two hours. D) 45 minutes.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否

符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. An old woman went into a clothes shop to look at a new dress on show. 18. The girl didn’t see the old woman come into the shop.

19. When the old woman raised her voice a little, the girl answered her. 20. The old woman thought she was so old that she couldn’t see clearly. 21. The girl was angry at being called a plastic model. 22. The girl was a robot of a new type.

23. At last, the old woman still thought the girl was a plastic model.

D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填


24. Breakfast is the most ______ meal in a day.

25. You haven’t eaten ______ for 12 hours before breakfast. 26. A good breakfast should be rice or ______, an egg, milk and fruit. 27. It’s necessary to have a cup of ______ drink on a cold morning. 28. Be sure to get up ______ to have plenty of time to eat breakfast. 29. After a good breakfast, you can be more friendly and work ______.

30. Your whole day will be more ______ after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

31. Shopping online is really ______ useful and convenient way for us to buy what we want. A) a

B) an

C) the

D) /

32.My best friend will go to Canada for a holiday. He will leave ______ July the first. A) from

B) at

C) in

D) on

33. A: Would you like some pizza or a piece of chocolate cake? B:_______. I don’t have any food before going to bed. A) Neither

B) Both

C) Either

D) None

34. They got much ______ from those new books. A) ideas

B) photos

C) information

D) stories

35. Peter looked very ______ when he won the first prize in the reading contest. A) happy

B) happily

C) sad

D) sadly

36. All of us are proud of those great changes in Shanghai. We’re sure Shanghai will be ______ than before. A) good

B) better

C) best

D) well

37. Online games are very interesting, ______ children can’t spend too much time on it. A) and

B) or

C) so

D) but

38. We didn’t start our discussion ______ everyone arrived. A) since

B) if

C) while

D) until

39. To our surprise, the boy _______ copy Zhou Libo’s voice and actions very well. A) can

B) may

C) must

D) need

40. Mr. Smith ______ as an engineer since he came to China. He likes his job very much.

A) works B) worked C) has worked D) had worked

41. We are glad to know that the Lis ______ to a new house next week. A) move

B) moved

C) will move

D) have moved

42. If Miss Fang ______ tomorrow, Miss Chen will give us the lesson instead. A) won’t come

B) doesn’t come

C) didn’t come

D) hadn’t come

43. Sometimes the fish caught by Damin ______ to his neighbours. A) sell

B) are selling

C) are sold

D) will sell

44. Li Ming’s father has decided to give up _______because he always coughs a lot. A) smoke

B) to smoke

C) smoking

D) smoked

45. Her funny story made everyone in the room ______. A) laughing

B) laughed

C) to laugh

D) laugh

46. ______ exciting story you have told me! A) What an

B) What

C) How

D) What a

47. ______ dress do you prefer, the red one or the yellow one? A) What

B) Who

C) Whose

D) Which

48. There ______ a sports meeting in our school the day after tomorrow. A) will have

B) will be

C) will hold

D) will take place

49. A: Why not go to the beach this Sunday? B: ______. Let’s go together. A) It’s very kind of you. C) I don’t think so.

B) That’s a good idea. D) Enjoy your time there.

50. A: Would you mind closing the window? It’s cold outside.

B: ______ A) Of course not! C) Help yourself.

B) Yes, I don’t mind. D) All right.

III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列


A. in two ways B. cannot C. pay for D. special H. all the time I. tradition E. decorate F. so much G. takes care of About one billion people live in India. Many people live on small farms. They live a quiet and simple life. The family _____51______ the farm and the animals. The most important animal on the farm is the cow. The cow helps on the farm ____52______. It gives milk to the family, and it works on the farm.

Farmers care about their cows very much. They want their cows to be happy. The farms aren’t busy at certain times of the year. At these times, people wash and ___53_____ their cows. Two times a year, there are special celebrations for the cows. These celebrations are like Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

Old cows _____54____ work on farms. In India, it is against the law to kill a cow. So farmers send their old cows away from the farm. The cows walk around freely in the streets. People give their own food to the cows, and cars are careful not to hit the cows. There are ____55____ animal hospitals for old or sick cows. The government and some rich people _____56____ these hospitals.

People in other countries do not understand why the Indian government spends _____57____ money on cows. There are many poor people in India who need money. Indians say that Americans spend more money on cats and dogs. People in India care for over 200 million cows every year. They have cared for cows for a long time. It is a _____58____ of thousands of years.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当

形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分) 59. Jane felt very happy because she found ______ wallet at last. (she) 60. As a ______ of Shanghai, my uncle has lived here for ten years.(city) 61. Mary is preparing for her younger brother’s ______ birthday party.(nine)


