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Unit 11 Alex wants to be a pilot


一. 教学内容:

Unit 11 Alex wants to be a pilot


① 知识目标 熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法

② 能力目标 能够熟练运用本单元的知识表达自己的理想,并说明理由。


重点:表达自己理想的功能句 难点:频率副词的区别


1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意 2. 短语:

1)a tour guide 导游 2)a taxi driver 出租车司机 3)grow up 长大 4)in the future 在将来 5)be busy with sth. 忙于某事 6)be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 7)do one’s best 尽最大努力 8)try one’s best 竭尽全力 9)a law firm 律师事务所 10)a famous lawyer 一位著名律师 11)at concerts 在音乐会 12)in the sky 在天空 13)in the world 在世界上

14)as a top student 作为一名优秀学生 15)take good care of 好好照顾 16)make himself strong 使他自己强壮 17)receive a lot of support from 从……收到许多支持 18)give a lot of support 给……许多支持 11

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19)make his dream come true 使他的梦想成为现实 20)all the time 一直 21)rather than 而不是 22)pay attention to 注意,重视 23)be proud of 为……而自豪 3. 句型:

1)What do you want to be when you grow up? 当你长大时,你想做什么工作? 2)I want to be a pilot. 我想成为一名飞行员。 3)Why do you want to be a tour guide? 你为什么想成为一名导游? 4)Because he thinks a doctor can help people enjoy good health and live a better life.


5)Alex is proud of his parents. Alex为他的父母而自豪。 6)He is busy with his work all the time.


7)As a top student, Alex is trying his best in his studies.


8)He has to take good care of his eyes. 他不得不保护好他的眼睛。

9)He knows it’s not easy to make his dream come true. 他知道实现他的梦想并不容易。 10)Alex receives a lot of support from his mother. Alex从他的母亲那得到许多支持。 11)They don’t pay much attention to their families. 他们不太注意他们的家庭。 12)Workaholics prefer to work rather than do anything else. 工作狂们宁可工作也不做其它的任何事。

13)Most workers spend eight or nine hours on the job. 绝大多数工人每天花费八九个小时在工作上。

14)We are proud of our motherland. 我们为自己的祖国而骄傲。 15)Liu Feng is very proud of his hometown. 刘峰为自己的家乡而自豪。 16)My mother is busy with housework every day. 我妈妈每天忙着做家务 。 17)Jim and Tom are busy playing the piano. Jim和Tom正忙着弹钢琴。 18)He wants to be a tour guide. 他想成为一名导游。 19)My sister wants to become an English teacher. 我妹妹想成为一名英语教师。 20)Linda does her best to help me with my English. Linda 尽最大努力帮助我学习英语 。

21)I’m doing my best to collect stamps. 我正竭尽全力搜集邮票。 22)It is not easy for me to get up early in the morning. 对我来说,早上早起不容易。 23)It is not easy to take good care of our eyes. 保护好眼睛不容易。 22

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24)I spend 10 yuan on the book. 我花了10元买这本书。 25)Mike prefers to stay at home rather than go for a walk. Mike宁可呆在家里也不出去散步。


1. What do you want to be in the future? 你将来想干什么? I want to be a famous doctor. 我想成为一名著名的医生。 2. Alex is very proud of his parents. Alex非常为他的父母而自豪。 be proud of 因……而自豪

3. He is always busy with his work. 他总是忙于工作。 be busy with … 例如:

My mother is busy with the dinner. I am busy with my lessons. They are busy with the farm work. We are too busy with study to play outside. 知识链接: be busy doing sth. 例如:

The students are busy getting ready for the sports meet. Sam is busy doing his homework, don’t disturb him.

4. He often works deep into the night. 他经常工作到深夜。 5. But she seldom has free time on weekends. 但是她周末很少有时间。

同义句:She is seldom free on weekends.

6. Alex doesn’t want to be a lawyer or a singer. Alex不想当律师或歌星。 7. It is not easy to become a pilot. 成为飞行员并不容易。 It is + adj. to do sth. 例如:

It is very nice to meet you.

It is very good for you to get up early every day. 33

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It is difficult for Tom to run so far. 典型例题:


_______________________________________ in the morning. 多喝水对你有好处。

________________________________________. 在公共场所大声说话是不礼貌的。 _____________________________________.

8. As a top student, Alex is doing his best in his studies. 作为尖子生,Alex 正在努力学习。 do one’s best 尽最大努力 同义词:try one’s best 例如:

Don’t worry, I will do my best to help you with the housework. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to save the patient. The farmers are doing their best to get in the apples.

9. But he has to take good care of his eyes. 但他得好好保护他的眼睛。 take care of 照顾,保管 同义词:look after 例如:

You have to take care of your new books, don’t break it. My mother takes good care of me when I am ill.

Would you like to help me take care of my baby while I am away? 10. He never forgets to do exercise every day to make himself strong. 他从来都不会忘记每天锻炼身体来使他自己强壮。 make sb. + adj. 使某人怎么样 知识链接:

make me fat 使我发胖 make me sad 使我难过 make him angry 使他生气 make us excited 让我们兴奋

11. Alex receives a lot of support from his mother. Alex 从妈妈那里得到了很多的支持。 receive … from 从某人那里得到…… 同义词: get… from 知识链接

receive a letter from…


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get a letter from… hear from 例如:

Tom often receives a letter from his parents. Tom often get a letter from his parents. Tom often hears from his parents.




