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福建省石狮一中 余信路

Day 21


1. We should note important changes that have already ____________________(发生come…). 2. When he ____________________(偶然遇见) a spring of clear water in the desert, he helped his sick _____________(同伴) _____________________________ (苏醒). Finally a new plan to survive ______________________________(形成).

3. The ______________ (委员会) consisting of 12 members ____________________________ (对……作出评价) ___________________________(商业竞争), and ___________________________ (提出) several proposals to improve it.

4. Some minority people in Hetian, Xinjiang ___________________(犯了些罪) by killing policemen and making _____________(通讯) stop for several hours.

5. __________________________(在……的陪同下) some officials, our Premier Wenjiabao inspected the train crash site. He urged the victims _______________(被赔偿) without delay. 6. ______________________(与……相比较) the first-round talk, the railway company agreed to give 915 thousand yuan to each victim.

7. The swimming athletes from around the world were ___________________________ (与……竞争) one another in Shanghai in 2011.

8. Mobile phones are much more _____________(普遍) in high schools now than before.

9. When _______________________________(谈及) _________________(共产主义), almost all the ___________________(共产党员) have confidence in the future.

10. The teacher has a ______________________(精通) of five foreign languages.

Day 22


1. Though I always _____________________________(全神贯注) what the teacher says in class, some sentences are ________________________________(难以理解).

2. ______________________________ ( 就……而言concern…), the man _________________________ (与……无关concern…) the conflict

3. I __________________________(得出结论) that he is _______________________(身体健康), which results from the good living ______________________(条件).

4. My English teacher often says that he has ____________________(有信心) my English. First of all, I should be first______________________(有信心) myself.

5. Why do so many anti-government soldiers ______________________________(和……冲突) the government?

6. If the teacher’s explanation is ____________(含糊不清), the students will get _____________(弄糊涂).

7. I’ve __________(祝贺) on his winning the match. Do you offer your _____________(祝贺)? 8. Nobody can __________________________(把他同……联系起来) the crime.

9. Five people were arrested on March 21 _______________________(与……有关) the attack. 10. “I don't need your advice on how to _________( 指导) myself, thank you,” said Dora through her teeth.

Day 23


1. _______________________(由于consequence…) lack of conservation, a lot of rich soil is _______________________(在建设中).

2. _________________(考虑到) that she has lost both her parents, we ____________________ (考虑送) her to a suitable family.

3. A week ____________(由……组成consist of) seven days equals one __________________(由……组成make up…) seven days.

4. The meat we __________(消费) is often too fatty. But my energy ____________(消费) is decreasing year by year. The doctors expect me to be a good _____________(消费者) either in food or in energy.

5. There are many things in the basket, a drink _________(包括) that _________(含) no alcohol. 6. I’m _________________(对满意) the ___________(内容) of this book.

7. It was raining heavily. The workers didn’t quit. ________________________(相反地), they __________________________(继续做) the work.

8. Many people ________________(捐) money, ______________(促使) to many children returning to school.

9. Frontier soldiers make __________________________(做贡献) the safety of our motherland. 10. The latter train was ______________________(失去控制). Obviously, the pilot ___________________ (失去控制) the train.

Day 24


1. If __________________________(方便的话) to you, I’ll visit you tonight. Anyway, it is ____________________________(在你方便的时候).

2. While waiting for the bus, I ____________________________________(和某人攀谈) a girl nearby, _____________(表达) my complaint about the delay of the bus.

3. What I said was _______________(令人信服的), so I _______________________________ (使人他相信) my honesty.

4. Please buy me ______________________(一份) today’s newspaper at the stand ____________________(在拐角处).

5. My birthday is ______________________(即将来临). But my home is in the ____________(乡下), so if you can’t come, that _________________________(无关紧要). 6. Don’t _____________(指望) me, for I don’t ______________________________(有勇气) to speak in public.

7. ___________________(鼓起勇气), you can do it well __________________(勇敢地).

8. ________________________(在过程中) _________________________(起诉他), you should depend on the lawyer.

9. Roads and roofs are ___________________(覆盖) by thick snow, really hard to go on. 10. Will 100 yuan _______________(够付费用) the cost in this week?


Key to Day 21

1. come about 2. came across, companions, come back to life, came into being 3. committee, made comments on, commercial competition, came up with 4. committed crimes, communication 5. In the company of, be compensated 6. Compared with/to 7. in competition with 8. common 9. it comes to, communism, communists 10. good command

Key to Day 22

1. concentrate my mind on, beyond comprehension 2. As far as I’m concerned, has no concern with 3. draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion, in good condition, conditions

4. confidence in, confident of 5. come into conflict with 6. confusing, confused 7. congratulated, congratulations 8. connect him to/with 9. in connection with 10. conduct

Key to Day 23

1. In consequence of, under construction 2. Considering, consider sending 3. consisting of, made up of 4. consume, consumption, consumer 5. included, contains 6. content, content 7. On the contrary, continued doing 8. contributed, contributing 9. contributions to 10. out of control/beyond control, lost control of

Key to Day 24

1. it is convenient, at your convenience 2. got into a conversation with/had/held a conversation with, conveying 3. convincing, convinced him of 4. a copy of, at the corner 5. around the corner, country(side), counts for nothing 6. count on, have the courage 7. Take up courage, with courage 8. In the course of, bringing/taking him to court 9. covered 10. cover



