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Unit9Lesson1教案北师大必修3 - 图文

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Teaching Plan for Unit 9 Lesson 1 (Module 3)

Teaching Aims and Requirements:

1. To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous

2. To read a newspaper article and understand the main points. 3. To act out a dialogue explaining what has been happening.

Teaching Difficulties:

To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous

Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ. Lead in

Show some pictures and talk about the disadvantages of cars and the advantages of bicycles as well as the information about Netherlands with the students.

Ⅱ. Reading

Task 1. Read the text and answer the following questions (1) Why is Amsterdam called the “City of Bicycles”? (2) Why did the first “white bikes” plan fail? (3) What effects have the white bikes had? Task 2. Match the new words with their definitions

(1) benefit to leave a car, a bus etc. somewhere else for a time (2)convenient to be useful or helpful to someone

(3)insert to carry goods or people from one place to another (4)transport suited to your needs

(5)park (v.) to put something into something else

(6)chip a very small piece of metal or plastic used in computers to store

information or make the computer work

Task 3. Read the text carefully, are the following true (T) or false (F)? (1) Amsterdam is a good city for cycling because it has a small population. (2) People call Amsterdam the “City of Bicycles” because of the large number of

bicycles there.

(3) The group’s idea didn’t work because few people liked to use their bikes. (4) The white bicycles are back with an unusual design. (5) Using a computer chip is to make the bike run faster. (6) Now in Amsterdam not all the bicycles are painted white.

(7) In Amsterdam riding a bicycle is not very convenient. You can’t find a bicycle anywhere.

(8) In Amsterdam cars are allowed in the city centre.

(9) People have to take the bicycles to the original parking places after they use them.

(10) In order to reduce pollution and save energy, cycling fans had another idea of using a computer card 30 years later.

Task 4. Fill in the following blanks according to the text.

The City of Bicycles Today some people call Amsterdam the “City of Bicycles” because of the for bicycles there. The white bike idea failed The problem was that it didn’t work---- took all the bicycles within weeks. The white bike is back. However, more than thirty years later, the white bike is back in town----this time with a to record its every move. The good effect of white bikes Indeed, thanks to the ideas of lots of people, like the cycling fans in the 1960s, many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without for many years.

Ⅲ. Grammar Presentation

Task 1. Get students to read the four dialogues and then match them with the

drawings.(Ex 4)

Task 2.Ask: What do the words in bold have in common?

Which two of the uses (a--d) do all the sentences express? (Ex 6) Task 3. Make up similar dialogues. (Ex 10)

Ⅳ. Consolidation

1. Listen to the tape and retell the main idea of the text.

2. Ask: Do you think the “white bikes” would be good for our town? Why?

Ⅴ. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises.

2. Can you think of some other phrases, such as “City of Bicycles”?

A bicycle in the street of Amsterdam

A bicycle lane

Traffic jam



Unit9Lesson1教案北师大必修3 - 图文


