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1. We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves politely and is kind and helpful to others. Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one likes a person with bad manners. “Yes,” you may say, “but what are good manners? How does one know what to do and what not to do?” People all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially to those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel, to people. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front line of the queue. In the bus he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. If he accidentally bumps into someone, or gets in their way, he says “Excuse me” or “I'm sorry”。

He says “Please” when making a request, and “Thank you” when he receives something. He stands up when he is speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much himself. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When eating he does not speak with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.

1. Which of the following is considered as being well-mannered?

A. Laughing at the weaker B. Behaving impolitely C. Helping older people D. Being kind to ourselves

2. If you try to be kind and helpful to others, you _____.

A. will make a mistake

B. will be completely wrong C. will be considered very polite

D. will not be regarded as being well-mannered

3. When waiting for a bus, a well-mannered person should _____.

A. try to stand in the front of the line B. try to stand in the end of the line C. give his seat to a lady

D. stand where he is and wait for his turn 4. According to this passage, a polite person _____.

A. will not break into other’s conversation

B. will do most of the talking when speaking with others C. will sit down before an older person does

D. will not speak without his mouth full of food when eating 5. The underlined word “accidentally” means _____.

A. on purpose B. by accident C. in an accident D. willingly


得分:[10, 10, 10, 0, 10]

提 示:[1]C.细节题。本题问“下面那个可以被认为是好的行为?”答案在第二段的第一句,该句大意是“世界各地人民一致认为好的行为意味着与人为善,对人 友好,特别是对年长者和那些鼻子弱势的人”。据此可知答案是C(帮助老人)。A的意思是“嘲笑弱者”,B的意思是“举止无礼”,D的意思是“善待自己”。



[4]A. 细节题。本题问“根据文章,一个有礼貌的人_______。”答案在最后一段,该段大意是“请求时,他说‘请’;收到礼物时,他说‘谢谢’。如果谈话的对 象是女士或者是比自己年长者,他会起身;别人不落座他也不落座。他不会打段别人的谈话。他也不会总是谈论自己。公共场合他不会大声谈笑。吃饭时,他也不会 满嘴食物就说话。打喷嚏或者咳嗽时他会用手帕”。据此可知答案时A(不打断别人的谈话)。B的意思是“和别人聊天时,讲话最多”,C的意思是“年长者还没 落座他就坐下了”,D的意思是“吃饭时,必定在满嘴食物时说话”。

[5]B.词汇题。本题问“下划线的单词‘accidentally’的意思是 什么?”该词出现在第四段的最后一句,该句大意是“如果他______撞到了别人或者挡了别人的路,他会说‘抱歉’或者‘对不起’”。据此可推测该词意思 是B(偶然地、意外地)。A的意思是“故意地”,C的意思是“在事故中”,D的意思是“情愿地”。


1. --Hello! Is that Mr. Li speaking? This is Zhang speaking. Did you get the bike back? --___________.

A. I am fine, thank you B. No, I have lost it

C. Yes, thanks for calling D. Yes, you are welcome





[C;] 标准答案:

C; 得分: [10] 试题分值: 10.0

提示: 解析:该题选C。对别人电话关心自己是否找回了丢失的东西应表示感谢,故选C项。

2. --Excuse me, are you Mr. Read? --Yes, I am. How do you do? --___________.


How are you? B. How do you do? C. Fine, thank you.

D. I am fine, and you?

知识点: 交际英语 学生答



标准答案: B; 得分: [10]



提示: 解析:该题选B。初次见面问好一般双方都用How

do you do?

3. -- Could you speak more loudly? --___________.


It's a good line B. The line is bad C. I can hear you D. You can't hear me

知识点: 交际英语 学生答



标准答案: B; 得分: [10] 试题分值:


提示: 解析:该题选B。答语意在解释原因,意思是“线路不好”。

4. --Thank you very much. -- ___________.


Don't thank me B. Don't say that

C. You're welcome D. No thanks

知识点: 交际英语 学生答



标准答案: C; 得分: [10] 试题分值:



解析:该题选C。You’re welcome表示“不用谢”。

5. --Have you ever been to Europe? -- __________ .

A. Not still B. Not never C. Not ever D. Not yet





[D;] 标准答案:

D; 得分: [10] 试题分值:


解析:该题选D。ever意为“曾经”; Not yet提示: 意思是“还没有”。对这个问题的回答还可用




