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( )2. Mike is good at his lessons because ________.

A. he likes using his head B. he reads a lot of books

C. he often tells stories D. his teachers are good

( )3. Mike was happy yesterday because _________.

A. it was his birthday B. many guests went to see him C. he got a lot of nice presents D. the guests said he was clever

( )4. The woman didn’t believe Mike was clever because _______.

A. she thought the boy was too young B. she didn’t know the boy at all. C. she saw a lot of clever boys. D. she often saw the boy before.

( )5. it was _______ for the boy to find a way to let the woman go out.

A. easy B. hard C. unusual D. necessary 八、书面表达。(10分)

以一种文具为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。 要求:1.要写出此文具的主要特点。

2.条理清楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范。 3.不少于50个单词。


参考答案; 一、A A A C C

二、1.ask for 2. go shopping 3.write a letter

4. too … to 5. help him with his Maths 6.向后走 7.过来 8.坐下 9.那边 10.国际劳动 三、 1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ABABC 四、A B A B B

五、1-5 BACDB 6-10 ACBCD

六、1-h 2-f 3-b 4-e 5-I 6-a 7-d 8-g 9-j 10-c

七、(一) FTFFT (二) BACAA 八、略




